Laura Hasbun, Founder of Maracuya Flower Juice Botanicals On The Power of Plants

Laura Hasbun is the Founder of Maracuya Flower Juice Botanicals. She produces herbal wellness products designed to help uplift and guide people along their journey through life. Thanks to her grandmother's love for plants, Laura has always been surrounded by the healing power of plants and herbal remedies.  When she graduated from Cal Poly Pomona, she intentionally implemented herbalism into her daily routine. Over the years, because of Laura’s relationship with plants in her garden and those from local herb shops, she has been able to produce remedies that help support her, her loved ones, and her community’s health. By helping manage people’s physical pain, anxiety, healing from childhood and ancestral traumas, and much more, her intention through Maracuya Flower Juice Botanicals is to support the health, healing, and connection between people and their bodies. Supporting people in being able to live their best lives is one of Laura’s natural gifts and she enjoys being able to serve in this way.

Laura Hasbun Founder of Maracuya Juice Botanicles
Photo & Bio by: Laura Hasbun


1. Can you tell us a little about how your passion of plant medicine began?

“My passion for plants and all the wonderful qualities they offer started when I was in my first community herbal class. We were instructed to intuitively pick a flower essence to work with for a week. What I didn't know until a week later was that flower essences are energetic remedies and that they pick you not the other way around; here I was thinking that I choose herbal medicine but in reality this flower essence told me loud and clear that it chose me. From that moment on I knew that I was meant to be working with herbs and their magic.”

2. What is your fondest memory of your grandmother that inspired you most to explore the benefits of plant medicine?

“I remember every morning she would get up early and start her day in her garden. At the time I just thought that's what people do in the morning; but now I realize that for her being in her garden was her alone time. Spending time with her plants was her form of self-care amidst all of the chaos happening in the home; and she did this ritualistically which I am so glad I got to grow up seeing because it taught me that no matter what is going on in your life it is important to take time for yourself every day. I also really loved to see how happy it made her to feed us fruits, veggies, and teas from her garden.”  

3. Much of society's landscape teaches us to utilize medicine when we get sick instead of preventing it. Can you tell us a little about how plant medicine can be used as a prevention from getting ill?

“Plants provide a wealth of nutrients and vitamins that our bodies naturally know how to interact with to return to homeostasis. I believe that plants have the ability to know what we need more than we know what we need because they are smart and have so many different uses. To me it just makes sense to work with plants before turning to a pill which is derived from synthetically isolated plant chemicals that your body may not recognize. Incorporating plants into your daily life acts as a way to boost your immune system, balance your overall health, and preventative measures against serious health conditions. One of my favorite immune boosting herbs to incorporate into my daily routine is ginger which I used to flavor my soups, stir-fry veggies, and teas.” 

4. What are your favorite herbal remedies and practices to reduce anxiety? How can plant medicine be used to alleviate issues relating to our mental health?

“One of the simplest ways to reduce your anxiety is by getting out of your head and to enjoy the present moment. A good way to do that is by going for a walk outside and looking at all the beautiful flowers and greenery around you. One of my go to herbs for anxiety is the passion flower which is a star ingredient in my Maracuya Flower Juice Elixir; an elixir to help manage anxiety and insomnia. I also really like using lavender for its therapeutic aroma which is commonly known to reduce anxiety.”

5. Can you tell us a little about the desire to heal our ancestral traumas and how it can manifest on our bodies on a daily basis if we don't address it? How would you get in touch with this realm of trauma in order to heal from it?

“The desire to heal ancestral traumas comes from personally understanding what it feels like to carry the weight of burdens that are not my own yet strangely familiar. Trauma creates stagnant energy within the body and if nothing is done to move or heal that energy then all kinds of physical imbalances can occur. I’ve seen folks struggle with issues ranging from tight or locked jaw, digestive issues, physical pain, and even forms of paralysis from overwhelming amounts of anxiety. Understanding the angst in your body and how long it has been there is a practice. A simple way of becoming familiar with it is through meditation; notice which parts of your body are tense and ask yourself how can I support this part of myself.” 

6. Laura, we're inspired how your passion and business came out of your very own backyard. What would you say to those who are passionate about something but think their dream is too big?

“My advice would be to dream big, and dream of something you know with all of your being that you will be able to attain one day. Now that you have the dream in mind and you can see yourself as a successful business owner (or whatever your dream position in life is); meditate on that version of yourself. Then ask yourself, “what is it within me that created all of that for myself? And what did I do to get from here to there?” The only difference between being a successful business owner and dreaming of being a successful business owner is time. You are still the same person and everything you need to become your own success story is already within you; you just have to figure out what got you from here to there as if your most successful version of yourself already exists.”  

7. There is so much shame around womxn's bodies which has made something so simple like loving ourselves so challenging. This is why we are so passionate about your message. How do you feel your concept helps womxn learn to love themselves more and be more inclined to learn a perspective we weren't really programmed to have with regards to body image and mental health?

“The beautiful thing about working with plants is that they are a reflection of you and what you are going through. As I have watched my plants grow and transform I have learned to accept and appreciate all that I am during each stage of my journey. Each plant has a unique shape, look, and smell; and each plant contributes something unique to the world. I believe humans are the same; we are meant to adore and love ourselves because of the divine uniqueness we carry and contribute to the world.”

8. Can you tell us a little about how plant medicine can be an additional aid to a nutritious lifestyle?

“Plants carry a wide variety of nutrients and there are lots of fun ways to benefit from those nutrients depending on where your body needs extra support. As a dancer, I often feel knee and back pain so I make an herbal infused salve --called Sana Sana Colita de Rana-- that I use topically to massage the pain away. This same herbal salve has helped many of my relatives who deal with arthritis and sciatica pain because the salve is a nourishing remedy for muscles, bones, nerves, and tendons. The same herbs used in the salve can also be incorporated into your meals and daily teas to help the body internally.” 

9. What are your personal tools to navigate a healthy mindset?

“I take my cue from the plants around me and what I have come to learn is that there is not a single plant that is in full bloom every day. Plants have taught me that even if you can’t see it growth is happening every day. So on days when I am feeling down or stagnant I do my best to be kind and gentle with myself.”

10. What does empowering womxn mean to you?

“To me empowering womxn looks like encouraging womxn to follow their passions and supporting them unconditionally along that journey. It’s creating space for other womxn to step into their true power and allowing them to share their light with others. There is nothing more inspiring than seeing someone do what they love and if I have the ability to be a small part in uplifting them then it's like we all rise together.”

11. What do you want to see more in your community?

“I would love to see more folks taking back their health by working with plants. So many people rely on western medicine and dietary habits to nourish their bodies. I have personally experienced the benefits of incorporating a plant based diet and medicinal practice into my daily life and it has brought so much understanding and autonomy into my life. There’s a certain level of grounding and self-confidence that overcomes you when you begin.”

12. What would tell the child in you that you wish you heard more growing up?

“Explore the things you love and that bring you joy fully. There is so much value in feeling joy and the essence it brings out of you. Your smile has the ability to light up an entire room, little one; now imagine how powerful you could be if you dedicated your life to building and sharing that light with others.”

13. What jewelry piece from the Dea collection did you gravitate to most and why? 

“The Obba Gold Hoops! I feel like hoops carry such a powerful energy and are worn like a piece of armor that protects you from haters or anyone trying to throw malice your way.”


Deepest gratitude to Laura for sharing her magic with us.

Visit to find all her products and follow her page @maracuyaflowerjuicebotanicles. 

WIM Features Presents: Laura Hasbun, Founder of Maracuya Flower Juice Botanicles. Watch Below